UMR MOISA - Markets, organizations, institutions and strategies of actors

Campus Inra-SupAgro, 2, place Pierre Viala
34 060 Montpellier
Key words
  • The Markets, Organizations, Institutions and Actors' Strategies joint research unit brings together researchers and teacher-researchers on the basis of the complementarity of scientific approaches and the community of research objects of several Montpellier social science teams from CIRAD, from Inra, Montpellier SupAgro and Ciheam-IAMM .

    UMR Moisa was created in 2001 by agreement between Ensa.M (now Montpellier SupAgro), Inra and CIHEAM-IAM Montpellier. It was renewed within the framework of the four-year research plans for the 2003-2006 period, then, with an extension to CIRAD for the 2007-2010 period.

    These teams have been collaborating for many years in various research projects, in scientific animation networks and in postgraduate training in economics and management at the University of Montpellier 1 and Montpellier SupAgro.

    Since 2007, particular emphasis has been placed on the strategies, modes of coordination and institutions linked to the implementation of the sustainable development project. The research is conducted within a program gathered under the generic theme: "The governance of the sustainable development of agri-food systems in Mediterranean and tropical countries".

    The UMR Moisa is interested in issues related to the strategies of actors, whether private or public, individual (consumers) or collective (social groups of market or non-market production), their mode of internal organization (companies ) or external (vertical and horizontal coordination), to the functioning of institutions (markets, regulations), applied to agro-food and rural agricultural systems in Mediterranean and tropical areas.

  • Post Title
    Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development

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