UMR AGIR - AGroecology - Innovations - Territory

24, chemin de Borde-Rouge
31326 Castanet Tolosan
Key words
  • The UMR brings together agents from INRA (EA, SAD and SPE departments), INP-Toulouse (ENSAT and EI-Purpan), ENSFEA and CNRS . It also hosts agents from development organizations (Terres inovia, ACTA, Scopela). It is made up of approximately 80 agents divided into three research teams and a research support team.

    The overall challenge of our UMR is to work on the modes of articulation between socio-technical systems, socio-ecological systems and agro-ecological systems. In order to analyze the transitions of agrosystems and to design innovative agroecological systems, the objective is to develop tools and methods for the description, experimentation, analysis and proposal of actions at different spatial and temporal scales. considered. Thus, a farm is not just a sum of plots, a territory is not just a sum of farms. We mobilize the concepts of systemic agronomy, socio-technical systems, socio-ecological systems, but also integrated assessment... Interdisciplinarity, partnership and modeling shape our identity.

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    National Institute for Research in Agriculture, Food and the Environment

    INRAE, the National Institute for Research in Agriculture, Food and the Environment was born on January 1, 2020. It is the result of the merger between INRA and Irstea

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