• Projects with Burkina Faso were built little by little from 1998 and more rapidly from 2002 around the creation of awareness-raising plays. Very quickly, local support activities for microcredit and sheep fattening developed. Larger-scale projects then emerged relating to market gardening, food processing, waste management and second-hand clothing. Currently, our Burkinabè partners are developing coordinated actions aimed at wide dissemination of agroecology, structuring marketing circuits for organic production and setting up global waste management services in 7 Burkinabè cities. Since 2010, she has been increasingly involved in building the capacity of partners in advocacy to influence agricultural policies in favor of agroecology and organic farming. It promotes synergies between the various players in the field. Since 2022, she has been developing a Burkinariat Boost program to support entrepreneurship in Burkina Faso with the Yolse Tuuma association.

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